5th National Conference on Science, Technology, and Innovation

Celluris to Participate in the 5th National Conference on Science, Technology, and Innovation

Categoria: Innovation

After participating in the workshop “Neoindustrialization on New Bases and Support for Innovation in Companies,” held by Finep on May 8th, Celluris was invited to attend one of Brazil’s main science and technology events – the 5th National Conference on Science, Technology, and Innovation, which will take place on July 30th, 31st, and August 1st in Brasília.

According to the organizers, on July 30th, Brazil will witness the Conference on Science, Technology, and Innovation. The opening will be conducted by the President of the Republic, Lula da Silva, and the Minister of Science, Technology, and Innovation, Luciana Santos. The event will also feature the presence of around 2200 people, including representatives from academia, government, companies, workers, and society in general. Additionally, the 5th National Conference on Science, Technology, and Innovation will play an important role as the event will launch the Guidelines for the Construction of a National Strategy to Support Deep Tech Startups and Their Ecosystems in Brazil.

For Patricia Bortman Rozenchan, Executive Director of Research and Development at Celluris, the invitation to participate in the Conference came after Celluris was one of the invited participants in the event “Neoindustrialization on New Bases and Support for Innovation in Companies,” organized by Finep.

“At the event held in Rio de Janeiro, several important points were discussed, and together we helped build this strategic document which is the guidelines of the ‘National Strategy to Support Deep Tech Startups.’ Through this, the science and innovation sector will experience a new phase in the country, involving and mobilizing companies, government, researchers, academia, among other groups. For Celluris, it is a great opportunity because we are part of this ecosystem and need support to develop our projects,” she stated.

Patricia Rosenchan will participate in the Axis: “Brazilian Startups: Financing and Growth,” on July 31st. Other panelists in this session will include Fernando Peregrino from Finep, Artur Pereira from WebSummit, and Plínio Targa, CEO of Brain4Care.

See the complete schedule: https://5cncti.org.br/conferencia-nacional/

Learn more about the launch of the Guidelines

According to the Conference organizers, the document “National Strategy to Support Deep Tech Startups” addresses the importance of deep techs in Brazil and proposes guidelines to support their development. It is recognized that deep techs have the potential to revolutionize industries and tackle global challenges, but they face barriers such as lack of public coordination, limited access to capital, and regulatory challenges. The proposal includes expanding knowledge about deep techs, stimulating coordinated actions among ecosystem actors, providing adequate resources, reducing bureaucratic processes, and continuously supporting startups at all stages of development. Find out more about the guidelines in full here.