Workshop on Neoindustrialization on New Bases and Support for Innovation in Companies

Celluris participates in the workshop on Neoindustrialization on New Bases and Support for Innovation in Companies

Categoria: Institutional

At the invitation of Finep – Financier of Studies and Projects, a Brazilian public company for the promotion of technology, science, and innovation, Celluris participated in the workshop “Neoindustrialization on New Bases and Support for Innovation in Companies.” The event, held at Finep’s headquarters in Rio de Janeiro on 08/05, covered current and relevant topics such as success cases of deep tech startups and support mechanisms for these companies.

Patricia Bortman Rozenchan, Executive Director of Research and Development at Celluris, attended the hybrid-format seminar. The event led to the creation of the “Proposal for Guidelines for the Construction of a National Strategy to Support Deep Tech Startups and Their Ecosystems in Brazil.”

According to the director, “this event was a significant milestone for Celluris, as it provided us with a valuable platform to contribute to and learn about the guidelines that will shape the future of deep tech startups in Brazil,” she reported.

She further added that “deep techs have the power to radically transform the Brazilian industrial and technological landscape, offering innovative and disruptive solutions in crucial areas such as biotechnology. Participating in this event allowed us to recognize and further appreciate the importance of supporting and fostering these cutting-edge technologies. Celluris is committed to this vision of the future. We believe that by strengthening the innovation ecosystem and supporting the growth of deep techs, we can significantly contribute to the immunotherapy landscape in Brazil,” emphasized Patricia.

Celluris extends its gratitude to all the organizers and participants of the workshop for the opportunity to share knowledge and collaborate in building a more innovative and prosperous future for Brazil. “We are excited about the possibilities that lie ahead and are ready to support initiatives that promote innovation in our country,” concluded the director.