National Strategy to Support Deep Tech Startups

Proposal for Guidelines for the Construction of a National Strategy to Support Deep Tech Startups and Their Ecosystems in Brazil

Categoria: Institutional

The workshop “Neoindustrialization on New Bases and Support for Innovation in Companies,” promoted by Finep – Financier of Studies and Projects, a Brazilian public company for the promotion of technology, science, and innovation, in which Celluris had the honor of participating, gave rise to the Proposal for Guidelines for the Construction of a National Strategy to Support Deep Tech Startups and Their Ecosystems in Brazil.

“The growing importance of deep techs on a globalinkl scale is driven by their potential to revolutionize industries, address global challenges, and provide economic and strategic advantages. As innovation continues to accelerate, the role of deep techs in shaping the future of societies and economies becomes increasingly critical. Governments and global institutions are increasingly recognizing that the positive developments stemming from the advancement of deep techs have the potential to drive economic growth, create high-quality jobs, and ensure technological sovereignty in various industrial sectors,” states the introduction of the document.

The proposal also discusses the potential of deep techs in Brazil, which can become key players in the country’s industrial and technological development, offering unprecedented solutions in strategic areas such as artificial intelligence, biotechnology, robotics, and renewable energy.

“This initiative recognizes the immense potential of deep techs to drive the industrial and technological development of our country, offering innovative solutions in strategic areas such as biotechnology. We believe that this support for startups greatly encourages innovation in Brazil, and this is very important for Celluris as a player in the deep tech biotechnology market,” emphasizes Patricia Bortman Rozenchan, Executive Director of Research and Development at Celluris.

See the full proposal here.